Reference Library: I Am The Walrus
From: (Kent Fletcher, HNL ME Group, 808-625-3210)
Subject: Genesis of "I Am the Walrus"
Date: 29 Dec 94 13:02:26 -1000
This excerpt is from Pete Shotton's excellent book 'The Beatles,
Lennon And Me' (originally published as "John Lennon In My Life",
1983, Stein and Day Publishers... not to be confused with "In My Life -
John Lennon Remembered" by Kevin Howlett and Mark Lewisohn).
(If you're not familiar, Pete Shotton was Lennon's closest boyhood pal, an
original member of the Quarrymen (until John broke the washboard over
Pete's head!), and a close friend and confidant of John's to the very
From page 217:
"One afternoon, while taking "lucky dips" into the day's sack of fan
mail, John, much to both our amusement, chanced to pull out a letter from
a student at Quarry Bank. Following the usual expressions of adoration,
this lad revealed that his literature master was playing Beatles songs in
class; after the boys all took their turns analyzing the lyrics, the
teacher would weigh in with his own interpretation of what the Beatles
were really talking about. (This, of course, was the same institution of
learning whose headmaster had summed up young Lennon's prospects with the
words: "This boy is bound to fail.")
"John and I howled in laughter over the absurdity of it all. "Pete,"
he said, "what's that 'Dead Dog's Eye' song we used to sing when we were
at Quarry Bank?" I thought for a moment and it all came back to me:
Yellow matter custard, green slop pie,
All mixed together with a dead dog's eye,
Slap it on a butty, ten foot thick,
Then wash it all down with a cup of cold sick.
"That's it!" said John. "Fantastic!" He found a pen commenved
scribbling: "Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye...."
Such was the genisis of "I Am the Walrus" (The Walrus itself was to
materialize alter, almost literally stepping out of a page in Lewis
Carroll's 'Through the Looking Glass')
Inspired by the picture of that Quarry Bank literature master
pontificating about the symbolism of Lennon-McCartney, John threw in the
most ludicrous images his imagination could conjure. He thought of
"semolina" (an insipid pudding we'd been forced to eat as kids) and
"pilchard" (a sardine we often fed to our cats). Semolina pilchard
climbing up the Eiffel Tower....," John intoned, writing it down with
considerable relish.
He turned to me, smiling. "let the f*ckers work THAT one out, Pete."
From: (Lartin)
Subject: Re: Chanting at end of The Walrus
Date: 17 Jul 1995 20:23:42 -0400
Here's the Shakespeare that occurs at the end of "I Am The Walrus."
King Lear Act Four, Scene 6, lines 249-259:
Oswald: Slave, thou hast slain me. Villain, take my purse.
If ever thou wilt thrive, bury my body
And give the letters which you find'st about me
To Edmund, Earl of Gloucester. Seek him out
Upon the English party. O, untimely death!
Death! [He dies]
Edgar: I know thee well: a serviceable villain,
As duteous to the vices of thy mistress
As badness would desire.
Gloucester: What, is he dead?
Edgar: Sit you down, father. Rest you. [Gloucester sits.]
From: (Dave Haber)
Subject: I Am The Walrus - An Interpretation
Date: 7 May 1995 06:18:59 GMT
[Someone recently asked what the lyrics to I Am The Walrus meant.
Although John himself said they mean whatever you want them to mean,
I'll give it a shot...]
I Am The Walrus - An Interpretation
I am he as you are he We are all spirits of the same God
as you are me and we are all together therefore we are all the same
See how they run like pigs from a gun Man on earth today for the most part
see how they fly denys this simple beautiful truth
I'm crying That they do is a sad thing
Sitting on a cornflake, Cookie-cutter conformist capitalists
waiting for the van to come that take carpools to work
Corporation t-shirt, stupidy all dressed the same, in their boring
bloody tuesday day-to-day jobs
man you been a naughty boy and criticise people like John Lennon
you let your face grow long who don't look like they do
I am the eggman I am a spirit of God
They are egmmen And so are you
I am the Walrus I am God (and therefore so are you)
Goo goo ga joob Isn't that Wonderful?
Mr. City policeman The policemen (the establishment)
sitting pretty little policemen look pretty and officious in
in a row their uniforms
see how they fly But when it comes down to doing the
like lucy in the sky right thing and helping people
see how they run They just sell out
I'm crying, I'm crying That they do is a sad thing
I'm crying, I'm crying Very sad
Yellow matter custard Man's inhumanity to man gets worse
dripping from a dead dog's eye and more ludicrous and disgusting
Crabalocker fishwife every day
pornagraphic priestess And those that are not corrupt
boy, you been a naughty girl monetarily are corrupt morally
you let your knickers down
I am the eggman I am a spirit of God
They are egmmen And so are you
I am the Walrus I am God (and therefore so are you)
Goo goo ga joob Isn't that Wonderful?
Sitting in an English garden If you just relax and get into a
waiting for the sun calm state you can see the
If the sun don't come simple beauty of life
you get a tan from standing And the world goes on if you do
in the English rain or not
I am the eggman I am a spirit of God
They are egmmen And so are you
I am the Walrus I am God (and therefore so are you)
Goo goo ga joob Isn't that Wonderful?
Expert texpert choking smokers The morally corrupt think they're
don't you think the joker cheating fate
laughs at you And don't realise that they're
ho ho ho going to have to pay in the end
hee hee hee
ha ha ha
See how they smile But they just go innocently on
like pigs in a sty not caring about the world
see how they snied
I'm crying That they do is a sad thing
Semolina pilchards Some people try to reach God in
climbing up the Eiffel Tower the strangest ways
Elementary penguin But even the lowly animals know
singing hare krishna know how to be one with God
man you should have seen them And even if you're a good person
kicking Edgar Allen Poe you shouldn't expect praise
I am the eggman I am a spirit of God
They are egmmen And so are you
I am the Walrus I am God (and therefore so are you)
Goo goo ga joob Isn't that Wonderful?
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