Reference Library: List of Beatles Lists
From: patcha@halcyon.com (Steve Charak)
Newsgroups: rec.music.beatles
Subject: Beatles Lists
Date: 20 Feb 98 01:31:14 GMT
A few years ago, I rekindled my interest in the Beatles. Hertsgaard's book
helped, so did the enthusiasm of stepchildren.
Iıve compiled a few of these Beatles lists. If you have some of your own
to share, please post them. The books Beatlessongs and Revolution of the
Head both list (with few disputes) who played what on what song.
Ten Beatles Songs in Which the Lead Guitar Is Played by Someone
Other than George
1. Taxman (Paul)
2. Ticket to Ride (Paul)
3. The Ballad of John and Yoko (John)
4. Get Back (John)
5. Birthday (John)
6. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Eric Clapton)
7. You Can't Do That (John)
8. Another Girl (Paul)
9. Back in the U.S.S.R. (Paul)
10. Good Morning, Good Morning (Paul)
Ten Beatles Songs and Who Played Keyboards
1. The Night Before (John-electric piano)
2. Your Mother Should Know (Paul-piano, John-organ)
3. Revolution (Nicky Hopkins-electric piano)
4. Let it Be (Paul-Piano, Billy Preston-electric piano and organ)
5. Iım Looking Through You (Ringo-organ)
6. Here Comes the Sun (George-synthesizer)
7. I Want to Tell You (Paul-piano)
8. We Can Work It Out (John-harmonium)
9. Strawberry Fields Forever (Paul-mellotron)
10. A Day in the Life (Paul-piano; end piano chord, John, Paul, Ringo,
and Mal Evans)
Ten Beatles Songs in Which at Least One of the Beatles Does Not Appear
1. Eleanor Rigby
2. Yesterday
3. She's Leaving Home
4. Back in the U.S.S.R. (Ringo had quit the band)
5. Dear Prudence (See 4)
6. The Ballad of John and Yoko
7. Blackbird
8. Within You, Without You
9. Love to You
10. Julia
Ten Lennon-McCartney songs that John Definitely Wrote without Paul
1. You Can't Do That
2. A Hard Day's Night
3. Help
4. Ticket to Ride
5. Across the Universe
6. I Am the Walrus
7. Strawberry Fields Forever
8. Revolution (all versions)
9. Happiness Is a Warm Gun
10. She Said, She Said
Ten Lennon-McCartney songs that Paul Definitely Wrote without John
1. Eleanor Rigby
2. Yesterday
3. Get Back
4. I'm Looking Through You
5. Lady Madonna
6. Paperback Writer
7. Penny Lane
8. Your Mother Should Know
9. Let It Be
10. The Long and Winding Road
- Steve Charak
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