Fab Four Fan Fotos
Pictures of the Beatles taken by the fans themselves. These pictures have
never before been seen or published.
Jim Ciminera
Back in the late 60's, early 70's I was hitch hiking around the United
States and Canada, and ended up at one point in Toronto. These were the
hippy days and we went to the heart of the artist district to look for
someone to put us up for the night. Two girls befriended us and took us
home to their apartment. That night one of the girls went a little nuts.
When she heard that I was a Lennon freak like her, she insisted that my
initials meant I was Jesus Christ (?) and that I was sent to her for some
reason. I just wanted to get the hell out of there! :-)
As I was leaving she handed me these small instamatic photographs of the
Beatles that she said her friend had personally taken when the Beatles
visited Toronto or Montreal, I can't remember which. I told her I couldn't
take such an important gift, but she insisted. She said at that time that
she did not know if the negatives survived and I would doubt that they do
to this day.
-Jim Cim
Jay Boivin
This picture was taken in February, 1967 after a Chuck Berry concert at the
Seville Theater in London. At the time Brian Epstein used the Seville as a
venue to promote his musical acts.
On my way out, behind the theatre I saw
John and Ringo rushing into a Mini Cooper. I said hello, they
acknowledged, and then Brian walked up to the car to bid them good evening.
That's when I took the picture, and you can see Brian's reflection in the car
Note: Previously the woman in the picture had been identified as Ringo's first
wife Maureen. By comparing this photo with other photos of Beatles wives, we
now know that is Cynthia Lennon in the car with John and Ringo.
Richard Cook
These photos were taken at the Las Vegas show of McCartney's New World
Tour in 1993. The album Paul Is Live was recorded during this tour.
Hamish Stuart, Robbie McIntosh, Wix Wickens, and Linda can all be seen with
Paul in the first pic, group.jpg. The drummer, Blair Cunningham, can be seen
behind Paul in the second to last pic, piano.jpg.
These pictures were taken from 11th row center using a Nikon camera and
a 70-120mm zoom lens.
For more info on these files, contact Richard Cook at
Mark Jones
My name is Mark Jones and I live in Northampton, UK. I had the chance
to meet Paul twice in 1990.
The first time I met Paul was on October 15, on a march to try and save
Rye Hospital which was going to be closed. A friend of mine heard that Paul
was going so we went just on the off chance of meeting him. He was polite but
not into signing autographs or talking about any thing other than the hospital
on the march, which is understandable, though I did shake his hand. We got
about 54 pictures altogether. After the march he gave a speech from the top
of an open top bus then started to leave. It was at this point that he did
sign a few autographs and I got a 'Flowers In The Dirt' CD signed.
The second time I got to meet Paul was at a TV Show recording in
Wembley, London in December. I spoke to Paul half way through the recording
when they had a break and as he was leaving some of us managed to get a few
pictures of him. They were taken through glass though.
The photos on this page are the property of the owners. These files may be downloaded
and shared with other Beatles fans for personal use only, and may not be
commercially distributed.
This page was last updated January 20, 2002.