The Beatles Lyrics Machine
This function allows you to identify the Beatles song
that contains any word(s) or phrase that you specify.
Enter the words or phrase you want to look for below
and hit the "Search" button.
Note: The Beatles Lyrics Machine is a research tool.
This page does not display copyrighted lyrics.
It only lists song titles that contain the search criteria.
About the Lyrics Machine
Don't include sentence punction such as commas, periods or exclamation
points in your search strings.
Do include apostrophes for legitimate contractions such as I'll, don't,
ain't, they'd, etc.
Standard Spellings:
This is a list of standard spellings used in the database:
- Yeah
- Whoa
- Oh
- Ah
- Oo
- 'Cause
Spell all words ending in "ing" completely, such as "Singing", "Waiting",
Note: There is no standard for "gonna". The database uses "gonna"
in most places where the sense is "intends to", as opposed to
"going somewhere" where "going to" is spelled out, but there was no hard
and fast rule for this. When a search includes "gonna", you might have
to try searching twice, once each way.
All matching is case-insensitive.
"Match Partial Words" will match "police" and "policeman" with the search
string "police".
With "Exact Words" the search string "police" will not
match "policeman".
With "Entire Phrase" the search string "I Am The Walrus" will only
match to songs that have those words together in that order. Without
"Entire Phrase" matching, the search string "I Am The Walrus" will match
any song that has all four words in any order anywhere in the song.
Click here for more information about the Lyrics Machine.
This function was created October, 1998.